65 research outputs found

    Asynchronous Network Formation in Unknown Unbounded Environments

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    In this paper, we study the Online Network Formation Problem (ONFP) for a mobile multi-robot system. Consider a group of robots with a bounded communication range operating in a large open area. One of the robots has a piece of information which has to be propagated to all other robots. What strategy should the robots pursue to disseminate the information to the rest of the robots as quickly as possible? The initial locations of the robots are unknown to each other, therefore the problem must be solved in an online fashion. For this problem, we present an algorithm whose competitive ratio is O(Hmax{M,MH})O(H \cdot \max\{M,\sqrt{M H}\}) for arbitrary robot deployments, where MM is the largest edge length in the Euclidean minimum spanning tree on the initial robot configuration and HH is the height of the tree. We also study the case when the robot initial positions are chosen uniformly at random and improve the ratio to O(M)O(M). Finally, we present simulation results to validate the performance in larger scales and demonstrate our algorithm using three robots in a field experiment

    Mürekkep Giderme İşleminin Lazer Baskılı Ofis Kâğıtlarındaki Organik ve Anorganik Madde Miktarları Üzerine Etkileri

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    Bu çalışmada, ofis kâğıtları üzerinde mürekkep giderme işlemi yapılmıştır. Bu işlem için farklı oranlarda kimyasal ve enzimler katılmış ve bunların etkileri analiz edilmiştir. Bu amaçla sodyum hidroksit, hidrojen peroksit sodyum silikat ve oleik asit’de uygun dozlarda kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca ultrasonik enerjinin etkiside ayrıca incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonunda ise işlem sonunda elde edilen hamur ve atık çamur üzerinde organik ve anorganik madde analizleri yapılmıştır

    Ofis Kağıtları Üzerindeki Mürekkep Giderme İşleminin Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu ile Analizi

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    Bu çalışmada, yüzdürme metoduna göre mürekkep giderme işlemi uygulanmış baskılı ofis kâğıtları üzerinde taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ile görüntü analizleri yapılmıştır. Bu işlem için öncelikle bazı kimyasallar ile enzimler kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca ultrasonik enerjiden de faydalanılmıştır. Çalışmada baskılı ofis kağıtlarının hamurlaştırma ve ardından uygulanan yüzdürme işlemi sonrası elde edilen numunelerden örnekler alınarak taramalı elektron mikroskobu yardımıyla (SEM) görüntü analizleri yapılmıştır. Bu analizler sayesinde baskılı ofis kağıtlarınına uygulanan ultrasonik, kimyasal katkılı, kimyasalsız ve enzim katkılı işlemler sonucu lif ve tonerde meydana gelen değişimler gözlemlenmiştir

    Analyses of damaged effects on jacket type offshore platform

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    U ovom je istraživanju izvanobalna platforma, koja je podvrgnuta dinamičkom opterećenju za različite slučajeve oštećenja, modelirana analizom interakcije fluida i konstrukcije (engl. fluid-structure interaction - FSI). Razmatrani su različiti modeli oštećenja u slučaju kada je jedan stup bio oštećen, a Youngov modul oštećenog elementa smanjen je s četiri različita omjera intenziteta. Osim pet oštećenih konstrukcija, neoštećena je konstrukcija modelirana prema dva različita uvjeta razmaka stupova. Na taj su način oštećeni modeli uspoređivani i međusobno i s neoštećenim modelima. U ovom su radu modeli ispitivani primjenom numeričkog FSI postupka. Numerički postupak potvrđen je poluanalitičkim modeliranjem. U ovoj je fazi jednadžba gibanja jednog od konstrukcijskih modela riješena poluanalitičkom metodom temeljenom na sustavu s više stupnjeva slobode. Osim toga, numerički model okoline potvrđen je primjenom poluanalitičkog rješenja jednadžbe gibanja slobodne površine i krivulje valna brzina-valna sila. Za modeliranje konstrukcija i njihove okoline upotrijebljen je program Abaqus, utemeljen na metodi konačnih elemenata. Konstrukcije su modelirane primjenom Lagrangeova postupka, fluidno okruženje je modelirano primjenom Eulerova postupka. Modelirani su i uvjeti razmaka stupova i različiti omjeri intenziteta, te je zabilježen najnegativniji tip oštećenja.In this paper, an offshore platform subjected to dynamic loading for different damage cases was modelled via fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis. Different damage models were considered in the case where one leg was broken, and the Young’s modulus of the damaged member was reduced with four different severity ratios. In addition to the five damaged structures, the undamaged structure was modelled according to two different leg spacing conditions. Thus, the damaged models were compared among themselves as well as with undamaged models. In this study, models were investigated using a numerical FSI technique. The numerical technique was verified using semi-analytical modelling. At this stage, the equation of motion of one of the structural models was solved using a semi-analytical method based on a multi-degree-of-freedom system. In addition, the numerical environment model was verified using a semi-analytical solution of the free-surface motion equation and the wave velocity-wave force curve. An Abaqus finite-element analysis program was used to model the structures and their surroundings. While the structures were modelled using the Lagrangian technique, the fluid surroundings were modelled using the Eulerian technique. Both the conditions of leg spacing and different severity ratios were modelled, and the most negative damage type was revealed

    RICo: Rotate-Inpaint-Complete for Generalizable Scene Reconstruction

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    General scene reconstruction refers to the task of estimating the full 3D geometry and texture of a scene containing previously unseen objects. In many practical applications such as AR/VR, autonomous navigation, and robotics, only a single view of the scene may be available, making the scene reconstruction a very challenging task. In this paper, we present a method for scene reconstruction by structurally breaking the problem into two steps: rendering novel views via inpainting and 2D to 3D scene lifting. Specifically, we leverage the generalization capability of large language models to inpaint the missing areas of scene color images rendered from different views. Next, we lift these inpainted images to 3D by predicting normals of the inpainted image and solving for the missing depth values. By predicting for normals instead of depth directly, our method allows for robustness to changes in depth distributions and scale. With rigorous quantitative evaluation, we show that our method outperforms multiple baselines while providing generalization to novel objects and scenes

    Determining therapeutic susceptibility in multiple myeloma by single-cell mass accumulation

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) has benefited from significant advancements in treatment that have improved outcomes and reduced morbidity. However, the disease remains incurable and is characterized by high rates of drug resistance and relapse. Consequently, methods to select the most efficacious therapy are of great interest. Here we utilize a functional assay to assess the ex vivo drug sensitivity of single multiple myeloma cells based on measuring their mass accumulation rate (MAR). We show that MAR accurately and rapidly defines therapeutic susceptibility across human multiple myeloma cell lines to a gamut of standard-of-care therapies. Finally, we demonstrate that our MAR assay, without the need for extended culture ex vivo, correctly defines the response of nine patients to standard-of-care drugs according to their clinical diagnoses. This data highlights the MAR assay in both research and clinical applications as a promising tool for predicting therapeutic response using clinical samples